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Writing, Audio, Video


Am I Asian Enough? Adoptees Struggle to Make Sense of Spike in Anti-Asian Violence"

Article and Audio

By Ashley Westerman, Morning Edition, WHSU, NPR

“Beautiful Portraits Show How Adoption Influences Asian American Identity”

By Kate Buback, Buzzfeed.News

Interview with Adoptee Artist Diana Albrecht, on race and identity.

“How Asian Adoptees Navigate Racism in the U.S."

By Simin Ma, AsAm News

Stories of four Asian adoptees growing up in white families, who often encounter identity crises and conflicts about their place in American society at a time when Asian Americans have faced difficulties in acceptance.

‘I’m not allowed to feel those things’: How adoptees experience anti-Asian hate

By Russ Mitchell, Los Angeles Times

“Morgan Hurd’s Impassioned Speech at Anti-AAPI Violence Rally” (video)

By Alex Azzi, NBC Sports

Champion gymnast and Chinese adoptee Morgan Hurd speaks out about racism and her experience as an adoptee from China.

“My White Adoptive Parents Struggled to See Me as Korean.

Would they have understood my anger at the rise in anti-Asian violence?"

By Nicole Chung, Time

"Reclaiming My Voice as a Transracial Adoptee" (Ted Talk video)

By Sarah Jones, Ted Talk

Sara Jones shares her experience as a South Korean transracial adoptee

and discusses the many different narratives that are part of a single adoption story.

"Stuck in Racial Limbo"
by Hazel Luo Yafang Livingston, YC Teen 
A Chinese adoptee raised by white parents discusses how she struggled, and is starting to figure out her Asian American identity.

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Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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